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22 October 2024  

Fulbright-NUI Awards for Early Career Academics


NUI teams up with Fulbright Commission to offer first
Fulbright-NUI Awards for Early Career Academics

On Thursday, 7 June 2018, the Fulbright Commission in Ireland held its annual Awards Ceremony in the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence in Dublin to announce the 2018-2019 Fulbright Award winners. Among this year’s 37 award recipients were two recipients of the NUI-Fulbright Scholar awards, offered for competition for the first time in 2017. NUI is delighted to collaborate with the Fulbright Commission in Ireland to offer the joint award each year- an award of great importance among the range of both Fulbright Awards and NUI Awards.

The 2018-2019 Fulbright-NUI Award recipients are Dr Laura Lovejoy, an Irish Research Council post-doctoral fellow in the School of English at University College Cork and a graduate of both UCC and UCD, whose research focusses on early twentieth-century literary representations of commercial sex at New York University. She will investigate how novelistic depictions of commercial sex intersect and diverge across geographical and cultural borders. Dr Cian O'Leary, a graduate of RCSI and UCC, a Pharmaceutics Lecturer and a Principal Investigator in the Tissue Engineering Research Group at RCSI will undertake his award at University of California, San Diego, seeking to develop tissue-engineered in vitro models of breast cancer metastasis with the objective to address critical bottlenecks in the discovery of novel anticancer therapeutics.

John Redmond Oval

L-R: 2018-2019 Fulbright-NUI Scholar Award recipients Dr Cian O’Leary, RCSI and Dr Laura Lovejoy, UCC with Patricia Maguire, Head of Academic Services and Registry, NUI at the 2018 Fulbright Awards Ceremony in the U.S. Ambassador’s Residence, Deerpark.

Among the other awards granted this year were the first Fulbright-Creative Ireland Museum awards to PhD candidates David Stone, University College Dublin and Sally McHugh, NUI Galway. They will visit the Smithsoninan Institute and the Exploratorium respectively. Eight Awardees will travel to U.S. Institutions to teach the Irish language, four of whom are graduates of NUI constituent universities.

An Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, Simon Coveney TD said of the Fulbright Awards, “People are at the heart of the extraordinary relationship between Ireland and the United States, and the Fulbright Commission has an unrivalled record in selecting the very best people as Fulbrighters”.


At the Awards Ceremony, Dr Dara FitzGerald, Director of the Fulbright Commission in Ireland thanked Fulbright sponsors, “Enterprise Ireland, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Health Research Board, the Higher Education Authority, the Geological Survey of Ireland, the Marine Institute, National University of Ireland, Teagasc, the National Lottery and such notable U.S. Institutions as the Exploratorium, the Smithsonian and the Harry Ransom Center.” He went on to note the “tremendous support from Irish institutions such as University College Cork, University College Dublin, Dublin City University, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, National University of Ireland Galway, Maynooth University, University of Limerick, The AMBER and INFANT SFI Centres, and the Hugh Lane Gallery”.

In September 2017, the National University of Ireland and the Fulbright Commission in Ireland
updated the nature of their collaborative award agreement, to make available a post-doctoral
level scholar award for early career researchers to complete post-doctoral or professional
research or lecturing in the United States for a period ranging from three months to 12 months.

The award will be offered for competition again in autumn 2018.

Further infomation can be found here.


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