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Sunday 9 February 2025  

NUI Chancellor pays tribute to Feargal Quinn


Feargal Quinn

The NUI Chancellor Dr Maurice Manning expressed his deep sadness on learning of the death today of Feargal Quinn.

Dr Manning noted that ‘Feargal Quinn represented the NUI constituency in Seanad Éireann very effectively from 1993 until 2016. As an independent Senator, he made an exceptional contribution to the Seanad, piloting through many pieces of valuable legislation.

He recognised the value of higher education and was always a friend of the universities.  He also recognised the importance of developing other avenues to careers and played a prominent role in the development of the Leaving Certificate Applied programme.  

A commerce graduate of UCD, he enjoyed an outstandingly successful career in the supermarket business, developing his family supermarket chain Superquinn to become a byword for innovation and quality service. Feargal was an individual of the highest integrity, greatly admired and liked by those who knew him. He was honoured by NUI in 2006 for his contribution to national life, in business, in Seanad Éireann and in a range of other activities.

I wish his wife Denise and his family every comfort in their loss.

Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam uasal.


Further information from:

Dr Attracta Halpin
National University of Ireland
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Dublin 2, D02 V583
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