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Wednesday 22 January 2025  

Seanad Éireann Register 2019


Publication of the 2019 NUI constituency
Seanad Éireann Register of Electors

The National University of Ireland (NUI) is pleased to announce the publication of the 2019 Seanad Éireann Register of Electors for the NUI constituency. In line with section 37 (University Members Acts, 1937-2015) of the Constitution, NUI revises and publishes this register on 1 June each year.

The 1 June 2019 Register contains a list of the names, addresses and qualifications of NUI graduates who registered to be included on the Register before 26 February 2019. These graduates may now vote in a Seanad Éireann election during the period 1 June 2019 – 30 May 2020. The Seanad Register may be used only for electoral purposes. An edited Seanad Éireann Register is also available. Both registers are available for purchase in hard or electronic copy from NUI.

The current Register, operative from 1st June 2019, contains the names of 112,216 electors. The cost of the 2019 Register is €169, either in hard or electronic copy.

NUI administers the Seanad Éireann Register and elections for the NUI constituency, in line with the requirements set down by the Seanad Electoral (University Members) Acts, 1937-2015.

A handy leaflet explaining the registration process is available to download by clicking here.


Seanad Éireann Register FAQs

arrow How can I register on the NUI Seanad Éireann Electoral Register?

arrow How do I check if i am listed on the NUI Seanad Éireann register?

arrow I am on the Register but I didn’t get a ballot paper in the last election.

arrow Once the Register has been published, is it possible to amend an address?

arrow Purchasing a copy of the Seanad Éireann Register


If you have any other queries about the NUI Seanad Éireann Register of Electors, please do not hesitate to contact us at records@nui.ie or by phone at 01 439 2424