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European Day of Languages 2020


NUI Celebrates European Day of Languages 2020

26th September 2020

On European Day of Languages this year, the National University of Ireland delights in joining with the Council of Europe and other organisations across Europe in a day-long celebration of languages, multilingualism and plurilingualism.

On this special day, NUI is proud to highlight its long history of supporting language learning among the student communities in all of its member universities and colleges and to showcase some of our most talented linguists.

Ar Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha i mbliana, is breá le hOllscoil na hÉireann a bheith páirteach le Comhairle na hEorpa agus na heagraíochtaí eile ar fud na hEorpa chun ceiliúradh lae a dhéanamh ar theangacha agus ar ilteangachas.

Ar an lá speisialta seo, tá OÉ bródúil as aird a tharraingt ar a stair fhada ag tacú le foghlaim teanga i measc phobail na mac léinn sna holl-ollscoileanna agus sna coláistí uile atá aici agus cuid de na teangeolaithe is cumasaí atá againn a.

We do this in a number of ways:

(click goal to expand)

  1. Matriculation to university/college:
  2. Recognition of undergraduate language achievement:
  3. Recognition of Irish language achievement:
    1. In addition to the Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarship in Irish, NUI celebrates excellence in the Irish language at graduate and postgraduate level.
      The Scoláireacht agus Duais Chiste Theach an Ardmhéara sa Ghaeilge (Mansion House Fund Scholarship and Prize in Irish) are awarded to students achieving the highest marks in Irish in the final year of their undergraduate degree, while the Duaiseanna an Dr T K Whitaker sa Ghaeilge are awarded to outstanding students undertaking MA degree programmes in and through the Irish language.
  4. Funding doctoral study in languages and literatures:
  5. Promoting Dialogue:
    1. NUI develops and arranges conferences and symposia on Language-learning topics, facilitating dialogue between Language and Literature departments in member universities and colleges, national policy-makers and civil society actors.
      Find out more about our events and publications.

Recent Recipients of NUI Language Awards

Denise Griffin

Denise Griffin

Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarship in Latin, 2017

Aisling Ní Dhonnabháin

Aisling Ní Dhonnabháin

Duais Chiste Theach an Ardmhéara sa Ghaeilge, 2018

NUI Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarship in Gaeilge, 2015

NUI Dr H H Stewart Literary Commendation in French, 2015

Clare Geraghty

Clare Geraghty

NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentship in Hispanic & Latin American Studies, 2020

Spanish Embassy and NUI Prize for Proficiency in Spanish, 2018

French Government Medal and NUI Prize for Proficiency in French, 2018

Maria Medina

Maria Medina

NUI Travelling Studentship in Spanish, 2019

Elisaveta Richardovna Everard

Elisaveta Richardovna Everard

Duaiseanna an Dr T K Whitaker sa Ghaeilge, 2020

Duais Chiste Theach an Ardmhéara sa Ghaeilge, 2019


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