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22 October 2024  

Awards on offer 2009

NUI Awards 2009

In the light of reduced funding available for awards in 2009, and following a review of the range of awards, the Senate has decided to offer the following in 2009:  

(No post-doctoral fellowships will be offered in 2009)


Irish Historical Research Prize €5,000

Six Travelling Studentships, four in the Humanities, two in the Sciences, valued at €42,000 each

Denis Phelan Scholarship (€14,000)

Dr Mary L Thornton NUI Scholarship in Education €5,000

Scoláireachtaí agus Duaiseanna Chiste Theach Árd Mhéara
The Mansion House Scholarships and Prizes (scholarship of €2,000 and prize of €1,300 in each case)
Irish History

NUI Art and Design Prize €2,000

Pierce Malone NUI Scholarships in Engineering and Philosophy (€2,000 each)

The French Government Medals and NUI Prizes €750

The Dr H H Stewart Literary Scholarships and Medals
The Dr H H Stewart Medical Scholarships and Medals

The O’Brien Bequest Awards
NUI Award Scheme for Students with Disabilities €11,000
NUI Equal Educational Opportunities Scheme €12,000

Grants towards Scholarly Publications
The NUI Club London Scholarship



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