Grants toward Scholarly Publications
NUI offers Grants toward Scholarly Publications to current staff (including full-time and part-time staff and post-doctoral fellows), retired staff, and ECAs from the NUI member institutions. Grants of up to €3,000 may be awarded to support and encourage the publication of scholarly research.
‘Publications’ will be interpreted broadly and may include monographs, edited collections, journal articles, and audio-visual productions.
The NUI Publications Committee considers applications twice a year, in June and December.
The University has traditionally provided a number of grants-in-aid annually towards scholarly publications by staff of the NUI Constituent Universities, on the basis of individual applications to the Senate. The scheme is open to full-time and part-time staff of the NUI Constituent Universities and Recognised Colleges. Under the scheme, grants of up to €3,000 may be awarded, following the Senate’s consideration and approval of recommendations submitted by the NUI Publications Committee, which considers applications at its meetings in June and December.

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2025 NUI Irish Historical Research Prize & NUI Publication Prize in Irish History
The NUI Irish Historical Research Prize is offered in alternate years for the best new work of historical research with a significant Irish dimension, which must have been published for the first time, by a graduate of the National University of Ireland.
The NUI Publication Prize in Irish History, first introduced as an NUI Centennial Award in 2008, is offered for competition in alternate years to graduates of the National University of Ireland of doctoral status. Works eligible to be considered for the Prize must be published as a first sole author book following the conferral of a doctoral degree.
In 2025, the value of each prize is €5,000.
Applicants can only apply for either the Publication Prize in Irish History or the Irish Historical Research Prize. Applications submitted to both Prizes may result in both applications being ineligible for consideration for both Prizes.
Applications must be submitted to NUI Awards ( by 11 April 2025.

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Find the list of former recipients of the prizes below.
Irish Historical Research Prize
The Irish Historical Research Prize is offered in alternate years for the best new work of historical research with a significant Irish dimension, which must have been published for the first time, by a graduate of the National University of Ireland. The work, which should be substantial, must be of an original character indicating direct research in historical records. Works previously entered for the Prize are not eligible for consideration.
Previous recipients of this Prize have included:
Professor Tadhg Ó hAnnracháin, BA, MPhil, PhD
Confessionalism and Mobility in Early Modern Ireland, published in 2021 by Oxford University Press.Dr Deirdre Ní Chonghaile, BA, MA, PhD
Collecting Music in the Aran Islands: A century of history and practice, published in 2021 by University of Wisconsin Press. (Special Commendation Prize)Dr Máirín MacCarron, BA, PGDip, PhD
Bede and Time: Computus, Theology and History in the Early Medieval World, published in 2019 by Routledge.Dr Elaine Farrell, BA, MA, PhD
‘Women, crime and punishment in Ireland: Life in the 19th-century convict prison’, published in 2020 by Cambridge University Press.(Special Commendation Prize)Dr Elizabeth O'Brien, BA, MA, MPhil, DPhil
‘Mapping Death: Burial in Late Iron Age and Early Medieval Ireland’, published in 2020 by Four Courts Press. (Special Commendation Prize)Professor Niall Ó Dochartaigh, BA, MA, PhD, DSSci
‘Deniable Contact: Back-channel Negotiation in Northern Ireland’, published in 2021 by Oxford University Press (Special Commendation Prize)Professor Guy Beiner, BA, PhD – a graduate of UCD
Forgetful Remembrance: Social Forgetting and Vernacular Historiography of a Rebellion in Ulster, published in 2018 by Oxford University Press.Prof Karl Theodore Hoppen, BA, MA, PhD
Governing Ireland: British Politicians and Ireland 1800-1921, published in 2016 by Oxford University Press.Dr Carla King, BA, MA, PhD
Michael Davitt After the Land League, 1882-1906, published in 2016 by University College Dublin Press. (Special Commendation Prize)Prof Tadhg O hAnnrachain, BA, MPhil, PhD
Catholic Europe, 1592-1648, Centre and Peripheries, published in 2015 by Oxford University Press. (Special Commendation Prize)Dr Elva Johnston, BA, MA, D.Phil
Literacy and Identity in Medieval Ireland, published in 2013 by Boydell & Brewer.Professor James Kelly, BA, MA, PhD
Sport in Ireland 1600-1840, published in 2014 by Four Courts Press. (Special Commendation Prize)Dr Colmán Ó Clabaigh BA, PhD
The Friars in Ireland, 1224-1540 published in 2012 by Four Courts Press.Dr Bernadette Cunningham BA, PhD
The Annals of the Four Masters: Irish History, Kingship and Society in the Early Seventeenth Century, published in 2010 by Four Courts Press.Dr Maurice Bric BA, MA, PhD (John Hopkins University)
Ireland, Philadelphia and the Re-Invention of America 1760-1800, published in 2008 by Four Courts Press.Professor William J. Smyth BA, PhD
Map-making, Landscapes and Memory: A Geography of Colonial and Early Modern Ireland, c. 1530-1750, published in 2006 by Cork University Press.
Recipients of the Irish Historical Research Prize and Special Commendation Prizes 2021
Click to enlarge image.
NUI Publication Prize in Irish History
The NUI Publication Prize in Irish History, first introduced as an NUI Centennial Award in 2008, is offered for competition in alternate years to graduates of the National University of Ireland of doctoral status. Works eligible to be considered for the Prize must be published as a first sole author book following the conferral of a doctoral degree. The work, which should be substantial, must be of an original character indicating direct research in historical records.
Previous recipients of this Prize have included:
Dr Mary MacDiarmada, BSocSci, MSocSci, MA, PhD
Art O’Brien and Irish Nationalism in London, 1900-1925, published in 2020 by Four Courts Press.Dr Bronagh Ann McShane, BA, PhD
Irish Women in Religious Orders, 1530–1700: Suppression, migration and reintegration, published in 2022 by Boydell & Brewer.Dr Fionnuala Walsh, BA, PhD
‘Irish Women and the Great War’, published in 2020 by Cambridge University Press.Dr Martin O'Donoghue, BA, MA, PhD
‘The Legacy of the Irish Parliamentary Party in Independent Ireland, 1922-1949’, published in 2019 by Liverpool University Press.Dr Eugene Costello, BA, MA, PhD
‘Transhumance and the Making of Ireland's Uplands, 1550-1900’, published in 2020 by Boydell & Brewer. (Special Commendation Prize)Dr David Durnin, BA, MA, PhD
‘The Irish Medical Profession and the First World War’, published in 2019 by Palgrave MacMillan. (Special Commendation Prize)Dr Alan McCarthy, BA, MA, PhD
Newspapers and Journalism in Cork, 1910-23: Press, Politics and Revolution’, published in 2020 by Four Courts Press. (Special Commendation Prize)Dr Niamh Wycherley, BA, MA, PhD
The Cult of Relics in Medieval Ireland, published in 2015 by Brepols Publishers.Dr Conor Mulvagh, BA, MPhil, PhD
The Irish Parliamentary Party at Westminster, 1900 - 18, published in 2016 by Manchester University Press. (Special Commendation Prize)Dr Elaine Farrell, BA, MA, PhD
A most diabolical deed' Infanticide and Irish Society, 1850 - 1900, published in 2013 by Manchester University Press.Dr Ciaran O’Neill, BA, MA, PhD
Catholics of Consequence: Transnational Education, Social Mobility and the Irish Catholic Elite, 1850 – 1900, published in 2014 by Oxford University Press. (Special Commendation Prize)Dr John Cunningham, BA, PhD
The Transplantation to Connacht, 1649-1680, published in 2011 by the Royal Historical Society, Boydell Press.Dr Caitriona Foley BA (Dub), PhD
The Last Irish Plague: The Great Flu Epidemic in Ireland, published in 2011 by Irish Academic Press.Dr Owen McGee BA, PhD
The IRB: The Irish Republican Brotherhood from the Land League to Sinn Féin, published in 2005 by Four Courts Press.Dr Ruth Canning, BA, MA, PhD – a graduate of UCC
The Old English in Early Modern Ireland: The Palesmen and the Nine Years' War, 1594-1603, published in 2019 by Boydell & Brewer.Dr Michael Dwyer, BA, PhD – a graduate of UCC
Strangling Angel: Diphtheria and Childhood Immunisation in Ireland, published in 2018 by Liverpool University Press.Dr Ciarán McCabe, BA, MA, PhD – a graduate of UCD and Maynooth University
Begging, Charity and Religion in Pre-Famine Ireland, published in 2018 by Liverpool University Press.