NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships
The NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentship Scheme is one of the University’s longest running competitions and has been in existence since 1910. Funded by the University from its own resources, it continues an earlier scheme established by the Royal University of Ireland, which preceded NUI.
The NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentship Scheme has as its main objectives:
to encourage students in the NUI federal system to pursue research; to enable these students to undertake postgraduate research abroad, in the most reputable universities, towards a doctoral degree, or to assist students registered in NUI institutions to foster international partnerships by undertaking substantial research periods overseas as part of their doctoral studies; to attract these scholars back to enrich the learning community within NUI.
In 2025, the maximum value of a full Travelling Doctoral Studentship will be €30,000 per annum to include a stipend of €22,000 and a contribution towards fees of up to €8,000, where appropriate.
Find out more about some recent recipients of NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships on our NUI Awards Alumni page.
Applications must be submitted to NUI Awards ( by 28 February 2025.

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Recent Recipients of NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships
Peter Moody in Mathematics and Physics -
Nicki Bond in high Energy Astrophysics
NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentships in the Sciences 2024
Kate Phelan in English & Creative Writing -
Anna Cruzado Sanders in Translation & Hispanic Studies -
Ashleigh Pillay in Human Trafficking Studies
NUI Travelling Doctoral Studentship in the Humanities and Social Sciences 2024