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22 October 2024  

First NUI medical and nursing degrees conferred in Bahrain


The first medical and nursing graduates of RCSI Bahrain were conferred today with NUI degrees . At the conferring, 33 Conferring at RCSI Bahrain Conferringstudents graduated in medicine and 32 in nursing. Seven Masters degrees in Healthcare, Ethics and Law were also conferred.

The patron of RCSI Bahrain, His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister of Bahrain attended the ceremony. Addressing the new graduates, the NUI Registrar said that,

"small countries, if they are to prosper, must play to their strengths. One of the areas in which Ireland has considerable strength is higher education. Our system of higher education is well developed. It is characterised by good teaching, rigorous standards and excellence in research. For quite a long time Irish medical and healthcare education has been highly sought after. We are happy to share our expertise in this area with the rest of the world".