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Friday 14 March 2025  

Seanad Election 2016 – checking and updating details


Seanad Eireann Register CoverElections to Seanad Éireann will be taking place in 2016. NUI degree-holders who are Irish citizens are eligible to vote in the NUI constituency of the University Panel (only if they are included in the University electoral register). Voting papers are posted to all registered graduates, no matter where in the world you live. Now is the time to check the register.

The NUI Seanad Éireann Register is a list of the names, addresses and qualifications of NUI graduates who may vote for the three members of the NUI constituency. It is published on 1 June each year.

Copies of the Electoral Register published on 1 June 2015 (current register in effect) are available in the libraries of the various institutions within the NUI, in the National Library, and in the NUI reception offices at 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

You can also make enquiries by contacting NUI directly at elections@nui.ie or by calling (01) 439 2424. To assist in identifying you on the register, please include the following information:

• Full name at registration
• Any other form of name used (e.g. Irish, single, married, etc.)
• Date of birth
• NUI degree(s) and other NUI qualification(s)
• Year(s) of conferring(s) and NUI institution(s) where conferred
• Previous address
• Current address

If you have changed address and would like to update your details, please let us know by downloading and returning a completed Graduate Record Update form.
You can also inform NUI in writing to: Records Office, National University of Ireland, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 or by email to elections@nui.ie.

(NOTE: Any change in address should be notified to National University of Ireland; otherwise the ballot paper may be lost, and your name removed from the Electoral Register).

Seanad elections take place within 90 days of the dissolution of Dáil Éireann. Based on the experience of previous Seanad Éireann elections, it seems most likely that the 2015 register will be used in the upcoming elections. However, this should not dissuade graduates from registering.

Full information on elections is available here

Download Registration Claim / Graduate Update Form

pdf Irish Version: English Version:

Please download the pdf to your computer (right click and save) and complete the form using Adobe Reader as not all internet browsers support on screen completion of pdf documents

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