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Monday 13 January 2025  

The NUI constituency Seanad Éireann Register




The next election for Seanad Éireann, to be held in January 2025, will use the current NUI Seanad Éireann Register of Electors. This NUI register was published on 1 June 2024. The electoral act that applies to Seanad elections does not allow any supplemental register or late registrations and provides for one yearly closing date; the closing date for applications was 26 February 2024.

The deadline (29 November) for amending your address on the Seanad Register has passed.

NUI will continue to process address updates, but this will not affect the address to which your voting materials are sent on 30 December as this has already been communicated to An Post.

If your voting papers are returned (undelivered) to NUI we will endeavour to send it to your new address.
Change of address requests for ballot re-issues will be processed only up to 22 January 2025.

If you are currently included on the NUI register and wish to change your postal address, please contact us at records@nui.ie and provide the following information:

                • full name (forename[s] and surname) at registration
                • any other form of name used (e.g. Irish, single, married etc)
                • date of birth
                • NUI degree(s) and other NUI qualification(s)
                • year(s) of conferring(s) 
                • NUI institution(s) where conferred   
                • And the address to which you want us to send your ballot


Higher Education Constituency for Seanad Éireann

The Seanad Electoral (University Members) (Amendment) Act 2024 has recently been signed into law. It will not be used in the January 2025 election but preparations are in place to have it ready for the subsequent election whenever that may be. This Act creates a new six-seater Higher Education constituency for Seanad Éireann and extends voting rights to graduates of other designated institutions in addition to NUI and Trinity College Dublin.

Registration will not be automatic. You must apply through a new registration process if you wish to be included in the register for the Higher Education constituency.

This registration process is open and closes on 23 January 2025.
Further information is available here: https://seanadvoter.ie/