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Sunday 9 February 2025  

NUI Matriculation and CAO applications


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This notice is relevant to students who have applied or who intend to apply to NUI for exemptions in relation to NUI matriculation in 2018.

Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation which comes into force this year, CAO needs your permission to share your data with NUI so that NUI can update your CAO record to include details of your NUI exemption(s).

If you do not do this, CAO will have no record of your NUI exemption(s) and you will therefore not receive an offer in August 2018 from an NUI university or college of a place on a programme requiring Irish/a language (as you will appear not to fulfil matriculation requirements).

To give permission, you will need to return to your CAO Application Form, and complete the Exemptions from Minimum Entry Requirements section. You will see a prompt Modify NUI Exemption Status. This will lead you to a section where you can tick the box for I would like CAO to provide my details to the NUI.

If you have not done so already, we would urge you to do this as a matter of urgency.

Please note it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that this information has been correctly recorded on the CAO Record.