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Friday 14 March 2025  

Chancellor Launches NUI Strategic Plan 2014-2017


The NUI Chancellor Dr Maurice Manning today launched the National NUI Strategic Plan 2014-2017 BookletUniversity of Ireland Strategic Plan 2014 – 2017. In preparing the plan, NUI engaged in a systematic review of its role and functions and related to this, undertook an extensive series of consultations across the NUI universities and colleges and more generally in the higher education sector.

The plan sets out the following four strategic goals for the period 2014 - 2017:

• Add value to the member institutions and demonstrate the value added

• Capitalise on the strength of the NUI brand internationally and redefine the meaning of the brand nationally

• Develop a discursive role and contribute to civic society

• Promote scholars and scholarship.

Launching the plan in NUI, the Chancellor said ‘We are confident that the strategy set out in this document articulates a clear vision for NUI as an organisation over the coming years, identifies specific worthwhile goals to be pursued by the organisation and sets out the actions necessary to achieve those goals’.





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