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Wednesday 12 March 2025  

Constructing the Equality of the Sexes in the Early Modern Period


'Constructing the Equality of the Sexes in the Early Modern Period'
Conference held in NUI 25-26 October 2017

Pictured at the 'Constructing Equality in the Early Modern Period' Conference, 25-26 October, (L-R) Prof. Siep Stuurman, Utrecht University, Dr Derval Conroy, UCD, Prof. Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin, Université de Lyon 3, M. Marc Daumas, Cultural Services, Embassy of France in Ireland

Pictured at the 'Constructing Equality in the Early Modern Period' Conference, 25-26 October, (L-R) Prof. Siep Stuurman, Utrecht University, Dr Derval Conroy, UCD, Prof. Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin, Université de Lyon 3, M. Marc Daumas, Cultural Services, Embassy of France in Ireland

An international conference entitled 'Constructing the Equality of the Sexes in the Early Modern Period', organised by Dr Derval Conroy, Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies, UCD, was hosted by the NUI, on 25-26th October. The aim of the conference, which brought together a number of leading scholars from France, the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, the UK and the US, was primarily to examine the role of the ideas of seventeenth-century France in the development of the philosophical and political underpinnings of what we now call gender equality. It is envisaged that this will be the first of a number of gatherings, aimed at creating a research network which focuses on the history of equality.








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