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Thursday 6 March 2025  

Devine, Karen

Devine, Karen

Devine, Karen

Devine, Karen
University Lecturer in European Union policies and politics, Gender and Politics, Irish Foreign Policy, Gender and Security, and Research Methodologies, at Dublin City University

My campaign slogan “Equality within Ireland, Equality for Ireland” reflects my core beliefs in the areas of gender, education, and Ireland’s place in the European Union. My passion is the pursuit of positive change in these areas, specifically, to combat gender based violence through programmes at third level institutions, equality in access and progression in third-level education regardless of gender, race or class; and to ensure that the rights and quality of life of people in Ireland are secured and respected at the European Union level.

I have given voice to these values through international academic positions as a Chevening Scholar (UK) and Fulbright Scholar (USA), as an advisor and speaker to political parties across the left-right ideological spectrum, in over 150 media contributions nationally and internationally, and through numerous invited presentations at the Houses of the Oireachtas.

In my own thirty years' experience as a student, researcher and staff member in universities in Ireland, the UK, and the USA, including holding the Irish government to account with Irish Citizens for Trustworthy E-Voting (ICTE), introducing sexual consent workshops in DCU, and supporting the work of numerous NGOs in the Irish Foreign Policy sector, I have seen the political, economic, and social consequences resulting from a lack of university representation in Seanad Éireann.

I am seeking your number one vote for a seat on the Seanad Éireann national university panel as an independent, academic advocate, to push for innovative policies and legislative change in the Oireachtas to address important university sector-specific issues.

For further information please see www.drkarendevine.com

Twitter: @devinedrkaren