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Thursday 6 March 2025  

Finnegan, Peter

Finnegan, Peter

Finnegan, Peter

Finnegan, Peter
Change Leader; Member, Maynooth Governing Authority; Mediator, Poet

Check me out on :

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterjamesfinnegan/
Twitter   : https://twitter.com/peterjfinnegan?lang=en
Or email me : votepeterfinnegan@gmail.com
or visit

PETER FINNEGAN brings huge experience to the role as Senator in terms of his service leadership in the Community, Private and Public Sectors. He has led Policy development and implementaion across diverse areas including Enterprise Development ; Training & Education ; Social Enterprise ; Guidance and Counselling ; Mediation and Facilitation ; Innovation and Digital Strategy ; Business Re-Organsiation ; Local Government ; Housing ; Social Inclusion ; Migration and Interculturalism ; Interfaith Understanding ; Political Action ; Policing and Safety ; Gender Equity ; Health and Well Being : Culture and the Arts ; Aging and Older persons; Youth Development : Tourism; Urban and Rural Development ; Family and Childcare ; North -South & UK-Ireland Co-operation ; International Relations and Diplomacy;  European Union & Funding ; Climate and Global Development.  He has facilitated and supported Initiatives such as the Web Summit, Pendulum Summit , Cities Against Poverty , Globe Forum (Climate Action) and Innovation 2.0.  He has colloborated with all Political Parties on the island of Ireland, with Senior Public Servants across Departments , with European Institutions and Organisations, and globally with the UNDP. (for more details on his work on any of the above email: votepeterfinnegan@gmail.com )

"Each of us by the footprints of our giving, leave a mark upon the earth of our living ."

Peter Finnegan

I believe we can all make a difference by having the courage and the vision in giving of our time, energy, insights and experience to address the challenges our society faces today.  I ask for the loan of your vote to continue to do this as your member of Seanad Eireann.

When we address the challenges of the present, we should do so strategically with an eye to shaping the future. The future is not some hidden coastline waiting to be discovered, it is being shaped now by how we address the present. It is influenced by major shifts in our relationship with each other and with the fragile planet entrusted to our care.  Technology, Climate Change, Migration, Globalisation, Communication and Cultural Diversity all influence the emergence of our future.

I am not a “single issue” candidate. We cannot deal with any one issue in isolation. The challenge of housing, of transport, of Education, of climate change, of childcare and the daily commute are all interconnected.  I am a facilitator and mediator, an innovator and creative negotiator , I think outside the box and am driven by a desire to make a difference because people matter.

A Politician who only shows up at election time is a Politician who fails to harness the collective strengths of those who elected him/her. I will crowdsource the insights of graduates, who by their spread of occupation, age, gender and  beliefs are a cross section of Irish Society. I will remain engaged with you as your member of Seanad Eireann and will seek your guidance and insights to address your needs in your communities, your occupations and professions.

I have a record for leading change from within the system on

  1. Teachers and Education

  2. Youth and older people

  3. Housing

  4. Health and well being

  5. Diversity and Openness

  6. Enterprise, tourism, work and economy

  7. Social Cohesion, Inclusion and Intercultural understanding

  8. Community development, crime, safety and security

  9. Respect and dialogue across differences of faith and belief

  10. Global engagement, solidarity and leadership especially on climate action

  11. Family supports and Childcare

  12. Integrated services and accountability within Social, Cultural and Economic Planning

  13. Arts and Culture

The only constant in life is change.  I have dedicated my life to facilitating change and empowering people and organisations to shape change, rather than be shaped by change. I am innovative, creative and strategic. Public Service is rewarding when it is used to help create a better life for people. I will be that type of Public Servant as your Senator.

I believe I can make a difference through Seanad Eireann and I am asking for your Vote to enable me to do just that.

On Housing

On Faith, Cultural Expression, Values  and Exclusion

On teachers and education

On the North and Brexit

Interview with Peter Finnegan.