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Thursday 6 March 2025  

Hearne, Rory

Hearne, Rory

Hearne, Rory

Hearne, Rory
Lecturer/Assistant Professor Social Policy, Maynooth University

Why vote Dr Rory Hearne No. 1 A voice for housing, homelessness & social justice.

The housing and homelessness crisis is one of this country’s major societal challenges and I have the experience, expertise, and passion to make a major contribution in the Seanad to solving it.  That is why I am asking you for your number 1 Vote in the Seanad NUI election.

I have consistently highlighted the devastating personal, societal and economic impacts of the crisis. I have proposed evidence-based solutions that could ensure everyone has access to an affordable, secure, decent quality, home. I believe that a home is a fundamental need and a human right.

About me:

I work as an Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Social Policy in the Department of Applied Social Studies, Maynooth University. Previously I worked as a policy analyst with TASC, and as community worker in Dolphin’s Barn, with Barnardos. I’m also a busy dad as I have four children, ages 11 months, 4, 6 and 15 they keep me grounded, but also motivated to achieve a better, fairer, Ireland and sustainable planet.

For example, in recent years, I have

  1. Highlighted the homelessness and housing crisis in national media including being published in the Irish Times and Irish Independent.

  2. Written the book Housing Shock: The Irish Housing Crisis and How to Solve it (to be published in June 2020 by Policy Press)

  3. Produced the ground breaking report on the impact of homelessness on families and children: Investing in the Right to a Home: Housing, HAP and Hubs.

  4. Been involved in housing campaigns; Raise the Roof, Home for Good, National Homeless and Housing Coalition

  5. Hosted the Podcast Reboot Republic on inequality, housing and alternative policies (www.tortoiseshack.ie)

If elected, I will use my role in the Seanad to propose legislation, lobby government, and work with civil society and others to:

  1. End homelessness

  2. Develop New Public Affordable Housing for all incomes– Vienna Model

  3. Set up a State Home Building Agency & support Local Authorities, AHBs & Coops

  4. Achieve a referendum to insert the Right to Housing in the Constitution

  5. Implement a Poverty Act to eliminate poverty by 2030

  6. Develop Green New Deal measures to meet climate change targets & a just transition

  7. Support marginalised groups & end discrimination on gender, race, ethnicity, disability, social class

  8. Achieve Public Affordable & Quality Childcare and Early Years Education

  9. Promote measures to achieve an equal society e.g. End the gender pay gap, investment in Youth Services and Community Development, a Living Wage, End Pay Inequality

I pledge to support and work to implement the policies outlined in the National Women’s Council of Ireland Feminist Ireland Manifesto 2020; the Children’s Rights Alliance #EveryChildEveryChance Pledge; the Wheel Stronger Communities, Stronger Ireland Pledge; the Raise the Roof Election Pledge; National Homeless and Housing Coalition Pledge; and the One Future Pledge for Faster and Fairer Climate Action.

You can read more about my policies and experience here: http://roryhearne.ie/

Thanks again. Rory

“More than anyone else, Rory has been at the forefront in using evidence-based research to highlight the
depth of the current housing crisis in Ireland. I believe Rory can make a vital contribution to Seanad Éireann
not only by representing the interests of NUI graduates but also by articulating the wider concerns of
Irish citizens struggling with various forms of inequality”

Prof. Niamh Hourigan, Sociologist, Vice President Academic Affairs Mary Immaculate College, Limerick