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Thursday 6 March 2025  

Matthews, Marcus

Matthews, Marcus

Matthews, Marcus

Matthews, Marcus
Managing Director

Dear Elector,

Ireland is in need of truly independent and high-quality political candidates, who are unbiased and will always make informed decisions based on the long-term benefits to citizens. Moreover, we also require politicians who are devotedly honest, capable of giving direct answers, and able to admit when they do not know something.

I am a candidate of integrity who if elected is committed to upholding these core values. My desire is to revitalize the NUI constituency and focus on issues that are in the collective national interest; I am not seeking to use the Seanad as a stepping stone to the Dáil.

I have the competency and commitment to honor the NUI panel's vital tradition of intellectually qualified legislative input while also driving the long-term rejuvenation of the constituency. In this respect, I have an excellent understanding of public policy and I am an advocate of empirically informed solutions to Ireland's toughest challenges. Testament to this is the extensive public policy work that I have done as the managing director of the Regional Internet Service Providers Association (RISPA); which you can read about alongside my background and career on my website: www.marcusmatthews.ie

Unlike some candidates who have previously stood for election in the NUI constituency, I have invested considerable time to prepare a unique election manifesto that is free of political rhetoric and lists actionable public policies, which I would seek to implement and influence through the legislative process if elected. You can read my full manifesto on my website.

If you want a representative that is truly committed to serving the NUI constituency, who has the integrity of character and capacity to robustly scrutinize legislationand deliver meaningful change, then please give me your #1 vote, or highest preference thereafter.

I very much welcome discussion, so I invite you to contact me via telephone or e-mail should you want to talk with me about my background and policy positions.

Telephone: 01.902.3677

E-mail: info@marcusmatthews.ie

You can keep up to date with my campaign via my website, which also has links to my social media channels.

Website: www.marcusmatthews.ie

Thank you in advance for your time in considering me for your vote.

Yours faithfully,
Marcus Matthews