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Thursday 6 March 2025  

Price, Brendan Mary

Price, Brendan Mary

Price, Brendan Mary

Price, Brendan Mary
B.Ag.Sc, M.Biol. Inst. Ind, CEO Irish Seal Sanctuary, Wildlife Advocate

Wherever Wildlife and Human activity are to be found together there you'll find conflict. Brendan Price has been at the Frontline of such Conflict, at home and abroad, for a Lifetime and is in a Unique Position to advise and assist responsible Individuals, Communities, Organisations and Corporations in Conflict Facilitation and Wildlife accommodation.

My last, "LAST" offer, Your last chance!

You might ask after 5 elections, "also ran", why I am contending again for the 6th time, for your trust and your No. 1 Vote .

I've been around this track over 30 years, initially with a few hundred b+w, hand addressed fliers advocating for a National Conservation Strategy (N.C.S.). No other candidate in that election even mentioned conservation, biodiversity,climate change....now all do and have done so ever since. "Many talking the talk", have yet "to walk the walk" and the level of discourse about climate change and biodiversity loss, does not reflect the magnitude of the task ahead.

Already we are in the Anthropocene Extinction; consuming far beyond the ecological capacity of the Earth to sustain us. We are losing species faster than ever before ; swathes of wilderness and farmland at unprecedented rate ; fisheries at point of collapse ; food, water and bio- security under threat ; record numbers of environmental refugees in addition to those driven by wars and proxy wars and the list goes on.... This is no domesday prophecy. We are confronted with the evidence daily, drowning in our own waste and our Earth cooking, while solutions and mitigation measures are to hand, if only the will was here and NOW.

Brendan was :

  1. The instigator of the Dublin Zoo enquiry

  2. Advocate and catalyst for ratification of C.I.T.E.S.

  3. Founder member of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group and Sanctuary

  4. Founder of the Irish Seal Sanctuary and Advocate for National Marine Conservation Centre

These events defined Brendan's career and charged a National debate on wildlife, taking Ireland to the centre stage of wildlife politics and conservation internationally. They further generated research, policy, revenue and jobs in wildlife

Brendan's record of Representation and Advocacy has included :

  1. The case for seals to fisheries interests ,Government, EU, Embassies and Internationally

  2. Establishment and development of a Sea Fisheries advisory group and service on the Executive Committee of North West Waters Regional Advisory Council from outset

  3. National Executives of Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Irish Wildlife Trust, Earth Watch and in other capacities on organisations, internationally, nationally and locally with Wildlife brief

  4. Constitutional changes to conservation ethos at Dublin Zoo by motion and record attendances at general meetings

  5. Political campaigns based on wildlife protection and ecological sustainability including five Seanad Eireann attempts (finishing in the top 30%) and one European Parliament attempt (polling as highest Independent in Dublin.)

This is my 6th time to ask for your No.1. Over those earlier elections I have seen the cataclysm escalate and the threat to future generations grow. One ageing Seanad candidate can do very little unless you the electors put your earthly home to the fore and vote in great numbers, "Speaking Truth to Power". With effort and will, we can leave the Earth a little better than we found it, for future generations.

Contact details:
087 3245423

"Brendan Price has worked tirelessly for the cause of wildlife welfare and rehabilitation for many years.
His commitment, enthusiasm and knowledge in the field of rehabilitation has inspired countless volunteers
and kept this important cause in the public domain. I fully support and endorse this new initiative"

Patrick J. Pollock
Recognised Specialist in Equine Surgery School of Veterinary Medicine University of Glasgow

"Years of commitment to nature's cause have given you dogged wisdom of a rare kind
- my best wishes in your new venture"

Michael Viney

We are facing further extinctions, but you can help!


Price, Brendan Mary