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Thursday 6 March 2025  

Scanlon, Keith

Scanlon, Keith

Scanlon, Keith

Scanlon, Keith
BE, MEngSc, Electronic Engineer, Community & Wildlife Volunteer

Dear fellow graduates and professionals,

I’m Keith Scanlon (BE 1991, MEngSc 1993, NUI-G), a proud parent, engineer, business consultant, environmental volunteer and community development leader.

I’m asking to be your Independent Voice in Seanad Éireann to protect our young people from the threat of impending climate, biodiversity and community collapse.

I believe passionately that we, as the university professionals, are the backbone of Irish society, entrusted to build the future for our children and grandchildren through developing conscious, resilient communities.

I grew up on a family farm in Attymass, Ballina, Co. Mayo, was educated in St. Muredach’s College, NUI-Galway, and Athlone IT. I have led business and operations transformation for 29 years in the Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) industry globally, as team leader, business director, change management consultant and Corporate Social Responsibility director, for Ericsson Ireland, Ericsson Global, and British Telecom UK. I volunteer protecting nature, re-wilding local democracy, and driving climate action, with my family and community. I have founded and directed volunteer community charity groups improving youth education and sport, community development, climate, heritage and homelessness.

I need your No. 1 Vote to be the Independent Senator who delivers Climate and Biodiversity Emergency action. On behalf of local youth, parents and professionals, I previously organised climate rallies, drafted the (local and national) emergency declarations, and independently brokered agreement from all political party leaders. The Oireachtas declared the Emergency in 2019 together with our young leaders, and now it’s time for action. With your mandate, I will follow through on our commitment and drive the emergency mobilisation needed.


We, the university graduates, shape the future, entrusted by society to power and steer sustainable development. Now we need to excel again, together, in the face of this emergency challenge.

As your Independent Senator, I will endeavour to push all political parties and community stakeholders to take action for the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency, by implementing a fair and just “Environmental-Care” 30-year plan. I will lead change, from the Seanad, specifically to:

  1. PROTECT OUR PROGRESS - Review and amend Oireachtas bills to climate-proof and biodiversity-proof them for current and future citizens.
    Collaborate to propose new legislation where there are key gaps on social and environmental justice.
    Initiate the promised Citizens’ Assembly on the Biodiversity Emergency.
    Enact the Seanad (reform) Bill 2018.
    Push the re-introduction of Oireachtas Bills democratically approved but blocked by government Money Message including the Waste Reduction Bill 2017 and the Climate Emergency Measures Bill 2018.

  2. MEASURE OUR WELLBEING - Launch a simple Irish National Wellbeing Index that regularly reports and focuses all stakeholders on improving homelessness, hospital access, greenhouse gas emissions, commuting congestion times, biodiversity, government gender equality, community resilience and active citizenship engagement / volunteering

  3. ACT TO IMPROVE – Lead the public stakeholder dialog and expert forum to agree our common plan.
    This will include our OneFuture.ie climate actions, IWT Manifesto for Nature, NWCI Feminist Manifesto, and The Wheel Stronger Communities Manifesto, as detailed in my policy on www.keithscanlon.ie.

With your No. 1 Vote for change, we will be able to look our future grandchildren in the eye and say: Yes, We Did take our responsibility seriously; Yes, We Did everything possible to protect your future! Be the change you want to see !
Go raibh maith agat as do Vóta #1. Ní neart go cur le chéile, don todhchaí.


Scanlon, KeithScanlon, Keith